These days browsing the internet can be more unsafe then going for a walk, you don’t know whats going to happen at your next click. Trying to second guess what you are doing at every click removes productivity from what you should be doing on a daily basis. Malicious software developers are finding way to trick people into clicking on what looks like important links to get them to download malware onto their computer system.
Once downloaded, they take over your system, encrypt your files and sometimes change passwords on your computer so you can’t gain access. They then demand a ransome in the value of bitcoin to decrypt your files once they have your payment. Website Intelligent Threat Protection will stop ransomware in its tracks.
Yes having a virus solution in place is great, but sometimes already too late. If you are going to rely on your anti-virus/spy/malware software to stop the spread of malware, you would like to hope your virus definitions are up-to-date, because if not its already to late. You need a system that is going to stop the infection before it get to your computer.